ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS (SASB IF-EN-160a.1) Environmental Compliance and Stewardship All business operations must be conducted in compliance with (IF-EN-410a.1) all applicable environmental laws and regulations, both domestic and foreign, and in compliance with TEAM’s Health, Safety, At this time, TEAM does not have any projects that are Environmental and Security Policy (HSE&S Policy) and our clients’ commissioned projects certified to a third-party multi-attribute environmental policies and standards. These laws, regulations, sustainability standard or active projects seeking such certification. policies, and standards protect the communities where we live and (IF-EN-410a.2) work, human health, wildlife, and natural resources. Process to incorporate operational-phase energy and water Processes to Assess and Manage efficiency considerations into project planning and design Environmental Risks Most of our operations take place at our clients’ facilities minimizing To ensure we properly manage environmental risks, we maintain our own facilities’ operational footprint and water and energy usage. management systems, such as ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental We continue to explore opportunities that would further reduce Management Systems), ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health our environmental footprint such as utilizing drones, robotics and and Safety Management Systems and ISO 9001:2015 (Quality remote monitoring technology to reduce unnecessary travel and Management Systems). carbon emissions.
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