GOVERNANCE & ETHICS Policies 1. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (IF-EN-510a.3) ■ Reporting Free from Retaliation/Ethics Hotline Description of policies and practices for prevention of bribery and corruption; and anti-competitive behavior in the project bidding ■ Insider Trading Policy processes. ■ Corporate Governance Principles Our anti-corruption policies require TEAM to maintain an adequate system of internal accounting controls to assure management’s 2. Health, Safety, Environmental and Security Policy control over our assets; and books, records, and accounts that accurately and fairly, and in reasonable detail, reflect all its 3. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy commercial transactions. (IF-EN-510a.1) TEAM employees, particularly those with international responsibility In 2023, we did not have any active projects or backlog in or bookkeeping responsibility, are required to complete regular, countries that are within the 20 lowest rankings in Transparency specific anti-corruption training. Prior to retention of third parties, International’s Corruption Perception Index. including agents, licensees, customs/shipping vendors and finance professionals, we conduct pre-screening due diligence and require (IF-EN-510a.2) contractual commitments to compliance with anti-corruption laws In 2023, TEAM had $0 losses in connection with such proceedings and compliance certifications. TEAM also audits our processes resulting in $0 monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings for foreign transactions outside of the U.S. for compliance risks. associated with charges of bribery or corruption; and anti- All TEAM employees receive basic training on anti-corruption law competitive practices. Read more in our Form 10-K. compliance as part of their Code of Business Conduct and Ethics training.